Monday, June 23, 2008

Final Year Project

I finally found my mentor and project for my honours year.

The interview was a truly great experience. My professor is a very appreciative person. He doesnt mind my lousy CAP grades. He doesnt care about my inexperience.

I think he appreciates my reading up before going for the interview. I think he appreciates my punctuality. I think he likes that I am able to answer some of the questions that he asked.

Well, I was lucky. Really. I learned Immunology just last semester so I was able to answer some of his questions.

My professor is a really nice guy.

That is so unlike SOME professors in the Brainforest of Clementi.

So now I work in a laboratory near SGH under SingHealth. In Outram. Its a really nice environment. There are only like three or four other people in the laboratory. The whole place is quite quiet. So it fits me, cause I am sort of anti-social.

In the Brainforest, some professors share one big laboratory. So there is no privacy. Everyone can see what everyone else is doing......

Another good thing is that my lab is very near Drama Box in Chinatown. Its like just 5 minutes away. So I can get there very quickly.

And during school term, I am not expected to go to laboratory everyday. Cause my lab is quite far from my school. Unless I want to.....

Today was my first day. My professor walked me around and orientated me personally. Then he trained me personally as well. I am so lucky. In Brainforest labs, the professors just get a PhD student to do it. Or sometimes even a Masters student.





Sunday, June 08, 2008

Falling Head Into Heels

This has not been a particularly smooth year for me so far......

A lot of things didnt go smoothly for me at all since the start of the lunar new year.....


Today, I just received the rejection email from a professor regarding my honors project.

The second time I got rejected by a professor......

And it is so late already. EVERYONE in the world has gotten an honours project..... EVERYONE except me. Now great. I really don't know who I am going to apply to for an Honors project. If I dont get one soon, I am going to quit school and enter the teaching service this year.....

No lah. Just kidding. Die die must find one......

One week ago I just heard from my mum that my aunt (who is her sister) have a kidney tumor. But we dont know whether is it a benign or malignant one.

Today I know. 3rd stage cancer.

I want to know: How come the assistant nursing director of a local hospital doesnt go for yearly checkups?

But that is the least of my concerns..... I dont know how to say..... but I and auntie is quite close. Not close as in we will talk..... In fact in the past few years, we hardly talk..... Maybe during new year......

But she is dear to me. And I know it will never be the same again without her.

And I feel bad for her. She worked so hard all her life..... she worked to such a high position.... she earn alot of money....... then in the end like that..... She has no children, no husband........ Lucky she has my mum and another auntie.

My mother and I always say we are lucky because got her around to solve our most pressing problems at times. Now she has a pressing problem, I hope she feel she is not alone. I hope she feels she has us.

I hope she will be okay. I really really hope.....

So the whole day I was deeply troubled by the two bad news I received in a single morning..... I keep thinking the whole day about all the bad things that can come along......

As usual, I pretended that nothing happened.... I pretended that everything was fine....

If I pretend that everything is fine, will everything just become fine?

It will.......


Today was the last show of 'Drift' by Drama Box..... After completing FOH for the show, I really didn't feel like going to the post production party because I don't really like to socialise.....

But at the thought of having to come back home, having to come back to reality to face all these problems....... I really wanted to run away. I really didnt want to go home..... I hated the idea of going home more than I hated the idea of socialising.......

So in the end I went for post production party...... Just to escape. Just to run away.....






‘天实成之,岂人事哉’~HKT, in real life

