Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Final Destination


Finally, after three weeks of principal photography and 6 rounds of editing and re-editing, my short film is finally done......

There will be two versions of it, but I think most of you will see the first version, which is slightly better than the second

I got a third version, but that ended up on the editing floor..... And whatever is different about the third will probably be known between the two of us

My short film is called Hungry. (三国。食)About thirty minutes long......

I don't know whether you will like it or think that its good or not..... But I personally like it very much.... A lot of thoughts and ideas and details and designing have been put into the film.... Alot of times I could only think about the film and nothing else before it was finally done.....

But I would stop short of saying its good.

Many people told me the acting is fantastic.

And yes, that is the only compliment that I would pay to my own short film. The acting is really well done.....

Strong ensemble cast.

Anyway here is a list of people that I must thank.

Thanks to Desmond, Pinkie, Zhenxiang, Xunbin and Yuxuan. You all have been very co-operative, very accomodating to my requests..... You all worked hard and I must really thank all of you for your hard work......

If the film is successful, one of the major reasons is going to be because of the acting.

Thanks to Khairul, my producer and partner. You could have opted to do the essay and save all the trouble, but you went and made this film with me together.....

Nobody will really know the fustrating things that we went through just to get the film made....

Thanks to Weiliang, for helping us get the set and some of the important props done...... We have to trouble you over and over again so we quite paiseh. Thanks alot.

And heartfelt thanks to all and everyone of anybody that have made a contribution to the film, big or small. Thank you very much. Really.


Now that I finally got the film out of my system, I can finally lay it to rest and get rid of it from my brain......

It has been swirling around in my head for way too long



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