Friday, April 06, 2007


Battles can be lost but not wars.

If you lose your own war, you lose alot, not just the war..... Look at 辛丑 war started by Empress Dowager Cixi against the allied forces.

When Zhuge Jin 兵败严口, Lu Xun lead his troops 分三路兵马 and retreated back to 东吴

Thats when Zhuge Liang's incredible pincer attack formation on the Northern Kingdom of Wei fell to pieces.

When it is other people's war, I stand by the side to watch.

Watching how other people fight their wars, you could learn so much

Don't get involved unnecessarily. You will lose troops that you will need for YOUR rainy day.

Don't divide your troops unnecessarily. Wait for the right moment to strike.

When it becomes my war, I decide how it will be fought and how the war will be won.....

Sometimes, losing battles may not be such a bad thing......

I think I have mellowed over the years.....

Last time, when I get angry, I slam things and raise my voice all the time. Blood vessels dilate and I find it simply too difficult to calm down. It takes quite awhile before I cool

Now, when I get angry, I just let the anger simmer inside me like a pot of porridge. No voices raised, nothing slammed.....

Kongming has a positive influence on me, I guess.

Determination wont win you a war. Tenacity will.

Why insist on battles when you can win wars. Haha

Isnt that what guys are suppose to do as they grow up? Mellow over the years.

PS: Read below for the review on TFP's 0501.



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