Monday, March 12, 2007

Scripted Scripting Script


I think I can do that again.


Finally got (forced) the script out for my short film project....

Like a baby being born after a very long period of gestation.

The idea walked into my head when I was taking an 854 TIBS bus a year ago after making my first short film project..... But that time, the story was abit different..... It was more typical, more cliche and less deep.....

The story swirled in my mind for awhile.... And along the way I see an amazing transformation to the story form as I watched more and more films along the way and experienced more stuff along the way.....

Yes. 2006 is indeed an tumultous year for me, but it is also a year full of inspirations.....

And I want to thank the person who gave me the biggest inspiration of them all... Because of you I manage to stick the biggest transformation into the heart of the story....

Then came the coincidence that I decided to take a module in NUS called 'Intro to Film Art'

The project was to do a film..... And the story which I thought would remain hidden in my head was about to be made.

I decided not to write out the story straightaway.

I decided to let it swirl in my head more.... attend lessons on Film Art first, learn all I can learn from professor (thanks professor. You were great and helpful)

Then finally, yesterday and today I forced the story out.

Thank goodness. Whew!

Hopefully I will get good reviews.... But dont get also not really very important. Decided from the first day that I can going to make a make-or-break film.

I am not afraid to lose. I am just afraid I will lose the spirit of experimentation and discovery

So without consulting anybody on the film, I had it developed.....

Last time win even if I only had 三脚猫功夫 was because 一时侥幸

Not always so lucky liao.....

I mean, how many times can 雕虫小计 work right?




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