Monday, February 12, 2007

Bird Shit

Yes people, I kena bird shit

On friday, I was eating breakfast at 'Brainforest of Clementi' science canteen as usual......

Was thinking that I better not dirty my white shirt because I was going out with someone in the evening to shop in Orchard.......

Then, just as I finished eating, bird shit dropped on my head and two big splatters on my shirt.....

'Pua Cheebye' was my first natural response to the horrific event that occured..

But I cursed in my heart as there were many people around and I didnt want everyone in the world to know I kena bird shit.....

Damn angry at the stupid bird.....

After washing the bird shit off, quickly called my mom to buy 4D... but never tio.


In the end go Orchard buy Giordano Shirt to wear....

Okay enough crap.... need to go wash my shirt liao



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