Sunday, November 16, 2008

My So Called Love 爱的发声练习

A new Taiwanese film is coming up

Somehow I can't post the video on my blog, so here is the website link on youtube

Very stong team.......
Produced by Hsu Li Kong, who produced Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Wedding Banquet and Pushing Hands. Some of my favourite movies....
Then directed by Leading Lee, whom I am not sure who he is....
Cast includes 大S Barbie Hsu, Eddie Peng (Peng Yuyan), Easton Dong and Joseph Chang (Zhang Xiao Quan)..... Wayward Kenting gave me a very good impression of Peng Yuyan, while Eternal Summer made me pay attention to Joseph Chang.....
And I like 大S very much. Less than her sister but still very very much.

Anyway the trailer made the movie look quite nice... And the movie scores are very nice, cause they are done up by Mavis Fan Xiao Xuan..... I keep humming the theme song after awhile

So if it comes to Singapore I would watch...
Would you?
Enjoy the trailer



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