Tuesday, December 09, 2008

FTB: Jewel In The Palace (酬友宴之大长今)

In case anybody is wondering what the hell is FTB, it stands for Friend Thanking Banquet.

This banquet is held yearly to thank my closest friends (in Singapore at the time of the banquet, that excludes people like N/K and KH. Happy lah. Happy some more in Hong Kong loh. Haha) for the year's care and concern for me.

The theme for last year's inaugural FTB was 'The Banquet' inspired by the movie of the same name.

Well, this year it will be 'Jewel In the Palace'.

And unlike last year where there was nothing much to do and Gekleng dominated the conversation with his blabberings (as usual), there will be games to be played this year.

Haha. Can't wait to see the poor guests' exasperated faces trying to get through games designed by the great HKT logic.




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