Thursday, April 13, 2006

大长今 Jewel In The Palace

Nowadays, my life revolve round one thing. I construct my timetable around this thing....

Jewel in the palace (大长今)

It is really a jewel leh. I simply love the show. Anyway Changjin, the female protagonist is really beautiful to look at. Now I know hor, why even President of China want to watch the show. Not because he got nothing to do leh. Because it is VERY GOOD.

Can anybody lend me the series so that I can watch finish one shot?

My ambition now is to be Emperor. Then can get Changjin to cook for me to eat

If cannot make it hor, then I want to be 最高尚宫 (Top Gentleman: Male Version of Top Lady)

I make up my mind already. This summer break I will go learn cooking at community centre. Then next try to save up enough money to go South Korea eat the imperial food



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