Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Language of Their Own (R18)

I spend a day out on my own also.

Get it? A Language of their own, a day out on my own.... Haha. For the first time since a year ago, I venture out onto the streets without company at all.

Anyway to side track abit, last time when I was young I went out alone. Always. I saw nothing wrong with that. Spent all my free time exploring all the shopping malls in Singapore... On my own... a loner.... with no real friends

After that when I reached secondary school somebody said it is very pathetic to be out on your own all the time..... Show that you are super outcasted loner.... From then on, go out always must be with friends..... If without friends company, I will not do whatever I want to do, whether issit go library or go shopping or go watch movies....

Now I got used to it again. In fact, I start to love being alone on trips.... Nobody to disturb you when you are looking while walking, nobody to argue with over small things, nobody for you to accomodate to their slow walking speed. Now I am clear. People always scared to appear lonely is because they scared people laugh and talk about them.... I not scared so no need people to go out with liao.

If got good, dont have it is okay also.

Anyway, talking about the show at esplanade theatre studio by checkpoint theatre, when I first arrived, they gave out a usual brochure, but with a CONDOM. I was momentarily stunned by the unexpected gift. Now I know why the ticket so expensive. 35 dollars per ticket. Buy condoms (no lah, it is sponsored, just say for fun)

The story is a narration of the lives of four gays. Two of them the main characters breaking up as a checkpoint, with narration of events that occur before and after the breakup The show also deals with gay related issues such as AIDS.

The play had elements which made it a potentially good show. There was an extremely controversial scene where a guy masturbate in front of us,butt naked, although backfacing the audience and wearing a shirt. The lines were very humorous and graceful, the actors were great and the characterisation was complete, producing round multidimensional characters.

The direction was rather even, not too heavy handed nor was it trivialising of anything. The script seem focused enough on the main discourse of the love between two men and the themes that the playwright wanted to deal with. The lighting, done by Ken ikeda and consisting of mainly two colours, successfully conveyed the concept of personal space and the spatial aspect of relationships.

However, I felt something important was missing. Something big enough to make a loophole in the play. But I cant put my finger on it, even though thinking about it when I was on the train home. The angmohs didnt like it. One of them commented that it could have been alot worse. Several members of the audience were getting abit impatient during the show.

The only possible explanation that I can offer is that the show can get abit draggy at times and crosses from drama into melodrama at these points. The emotion evoking mechanism of the show failed on me, if it is suppose to even work.

I wont say the show is good. But I wont say it is not good either. Because it is not. It is okay loh, average. Recommended? No. Not for 35 dollars.

But it did shed light on what gay romances are like in reality.


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