Monday, March 27, 2006

Smell Of Rain

Watched "Smell of Rain" at the new Cathay Picturehouse on Sunday 12.20am

First of all, the theatre is really very small. But being new, the seats were nice and comfortable, even though we were at the first row.

After watching the movie, I only got one word to describe the show and that is 'beautiful'

Lately, I have watched alot of gritty films about sad singaporeans. Films like Eating Air by Kelvin Tong, 15 by Royston Tan and 12 storeys by Eric Khoo make me very sad with their sad stories about sad people.

Therefore, this movie becomes very refreshing, even to the Singaporean film industry.

It is a simple story, about the friendship between two guys, and the love between a guy and a girl. One guy is affected by his childhood.Very simple, yet very solid.... This is the kind of scripts that I like, simple and solid. I dont like scripts that concentrate more on frivolous gimmicks than the development of the story. For example, Longhouse by Toy Factory.

The cinematography was well done. Shots and camera angles were done tastefully and attracts people. Very unlike the gritty edgy images shot in films by our famous boys like Eric Khoo and Royston Tan.

Music scores were great.

All these elements combine together to make the film a asthetic treat.

A lot of people felt that the pacing was too slow and the film can get abit draggy. But I thought it was alright. Maybe because I have seen films with much slower pacing like Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility. Anyway, although there were very strong dramatic undercurrents in the show, there was no dramatic moments. Everything was very bland, the narration moving along fluidly. If people saw the film without any background knowledge at all, they might think it is done by Ang Lee himself. The styles are similar.

The only thing I felt can be better in the film was the acting of the two leads. They had rather deadpan expressions and although the script require them to be something like that, the emotional processes that they are suppose to be going through never did occur properly. I couldnt tell at all. I felt the acting could be better, a little less raw.

Anyway, Tue afternoon, if you are free, please proceed to Picturehouse to watch the film. It is a good film, and something different from what the rest have to offer. Every show is sold out except that one. That is what I heard. Definitely better than Jack Neo anytime.

Anyway, today I went to watch "Cross-talk Master here we come" by Young people's Performing Arts Ensemble on heavily discounted tickets. Very Average. Nothing much to talk about. Could be much better. Lucky it is heavily discounted, otherwise will kill myself.

Next up, watching "猫人" by Theatre Practice 'Shijian' (Pay as you want) Hopefully it is good

Then will be 'A Language of Their Own' by Checkpoint Theatre. I think it is a gay show because sponsored by '' a gay website that made news last year on newspaper

Also, bought tickets (heavily discounted) for "Furthest North Deepest South" by The Finger Players (Winner of Production of the Year at 5th LTA) Thank you Haiyen laoshi for giving up the ticket.

Hopefully can watch Singapore GaGa soon as well as Royston Tan's new film which I heard is fantastic.

Maybe watching 'Queen Ping' at the end of the month again on discount tickets.

Anybody who want to watch these shows can look me up. Help you all get tickets. Those participating in August and Sept productions, its good for you to see more productions because then you can see how pro people do all these things

Ask Haiyen laoshi whether can help in her new show today. "Madame Black and White Snake" directed by Jiawei Laoshi. Whoa. Cant wait. Those who want to help, can tell me also. I will help you tell Haiyen laoshi



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