Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Today was rushing into another round of editing madness......

There will probably never be an end to all the technical adjustments that I made to the short film.....

And we are still editing 15min before the screening start.... Haha.... ridiculous

And there is one more round of editing tomorrow before I finally let go of it.

Some of the feedback by the lecturer and and teaching assistants after the 'film festival'.

"Some clever parts and moments"

"Humourous. I enjoyed it"

"Hungry paid tribute to all the films (in our module) about alienation" (others intentionally paid tribute to only one or two films. So I was quite surprised when my lecturer said this. Actually, I didnt think much about paying tribute to any film but I modelled my film according to some directorial styles that we have studied)

'This film has the best acting'

"Other films are marred by bad acting, bad enuncitation but your actors are good"(Thanks once again to my cast)

"The lines are cleverly written"

"The anime was well used but the part can be more well tied in with the rest of the story. The hand drawn ones are no good"

"I liked the way the film ended"

'Can tell alot of effort and passion was put in. It came across"

"One of the top three films. I am going to give it a good grade"

I am very happy that it was well received. Please don't call me proud.... Okay lah actually I am quite But allow me my moments.

I really like this film very much because really alot of effort, thoughts, ideas were placed into the film......

So allow me my moments. Yah

AND for the LAST TIME, stupid tangekleng, this is not my OWN life story for goodness sake.

Its entirely based on imagination



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