Saturday, September 23, 2006

千言万语 (Million Things to Say)

hello everyone.

By my standards, this is a long time since I last updated.

First show of my performance went fine. Hope will do well in the rest too.

Since bump-in on Tuesday, a lot of things happened.

I got so many things to say. A million, maybe.

But no time.

For now, the million things are just stuck in my throat, and I dont noe what to say.

Or rather, I dont know where to start....

Two more days before its all fnally over.

I am just going to damn glad when this is all over.

Some people ask me why I join productions in the first place if I was so unhappy doing it?

I guess you are so full of energy at first but later at the end of the show you are just so exhausted that you just want it to be over quickly.

seven tuition.

Lessons at NUS.

Four productions this year.

I wonder how I manage all that.

Brush aside the million things I want to say.

I am going to take a long break after this.


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