Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Banquet

Stupid. Really stupid.

Already got people tell me not to watch the show. In the end still went. I guess because curious or wanted to see if this one was any better.

Too much money. Too much time.

Really is waste my time. The show was quite boring.... Too much eye candy. Not much meaning.

Why directors dont understand eye candy will never replace a strong plot? No matter how much beautiful sets there are, how many beautiful costumes or how good looking the cast is or how magical the martial duals are, in the end still need a story to consolidate all these aspects as well as give them meaning.

Not that the story very weak. The story is okay but the great aesthetics emphasized the story's weaknesses.

I am starting to think Ang Lee will be the only Chinese director to ever get an Oscar for a Chinese Film.

Damn disappointed with Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige. Supposed to be autuers. In the end sell out to the westerners.

Wake up wake up, all of you. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon did it with just a strong storyline and good acting. The sets were normal, the clothes were normal. The telling of the story is special.....

Anyway martial arts films are not the only type of films that Chinese can make. No wonder angmohs think we all can walk walls and use swords to settle our differences.

And stop using Yuen-style martial choreography. From 'Matrix' to 'CTHG' to 'Fearless' to 'Bulletproof Monk' the fighting is beautiful to look at but getting tiring because it starts to get repetitive. Kick-punch-float. Slash Slash flip. Punch Punch jump kick walk wall fly and punch then kick.

Get my point? Its tiring.

Just like 'The Banquet'


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