Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Quote of My Year

Nowadays blogs like to quote things from other blogs. Haha (~nudge cyanee and tze)

They keep quoting whatever I said or wrote on my own blog..... Okay nuts. My next new year resolution is not to be so arrogant next year.

I think I am quite so this year

Back to what I was saying, I insist on quoting my own thoughts onto this blog. But that day I encountered something somebody said that I felt is so true.

OH. MY. GOD. So true that I have to quote it here

This is the quote of my year

"Remember when you were a kid and your biggest worry was like, if you'd get a bike for your birthday or if you'd get to eat cookies for breakfast?

Being an adult. Totally overrated

I mean, seriously, dont get fooled by all the hot shoes and the great sex and the no parents anywhere telling you what to do. Adulthood is responsibility"

~quoted from Grey's Anatomy

This cannot be more true, damn it.

And as I say so often to kids around me: Please grow up quickly because we are all waiting for you to come suffer with the rest of us

Somebody challenged me to this statement yesterday. "What if I chose to be happy?" was the idea that people put up.

To me, its like asking "What if I smoke marijuana and not get addicted" Hey to think of it, I asked the first question when I was like 14.

I thought I could stay happy by refusing to grow up.

Whatever. Things change, and they force you to go along, whether you like it or not.

Tomorrow after handing up my Bioinformatics project, I am so going to the computer lab and shouting 'FUCK YOU' before running away.

Never have I done a project that didnt make sense at all in my entire life.....



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