Monday, November 06, 2006

S-PERM Coating

Was reading something on cell biology the other day. Then somebody made a remark which made me remember something that I forgot to share with you all very long time ago.

This can get quite gross so read at your own risk. But quite interesting. Haha

My 'Molecular Genetics' lecturer once told us about an experiment done by some ang-moh scientists.

They wanted to find out how resistant or durable sperm cells are.

So they went to stain a piece of cloth with semen (guess where they got that from, haha) and proceeded to wash it in a washing machine with powerful detergent.

Then they tested for presence of sperm cells

After 96 cycles of washes, sperm cells were STILL detected!!!

And they found that the sperm cells can be transferred to other pieces of cloth during the washing cycles

So guys, be careful where you leave stuff. In other words, dont leave things lying around. Haha

Imagine if some sperm cells manage to get into your washing machine with other clothes.

The whole load of washing would be coated with it. You could be wearing clothes with a SPERM COATING

Haha, wildly funny imagining it but I guess I wouldnt want it to really happen to me.

Wouldnt want to walk around the whole day with sperm on you right?



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