Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Taxi Rah-Rah

Stupid taxis.

They dont come when you really need them. Then whats the point of having taxis around?

Today was late for lesson as usual because keep fighting losing battles with the Z-monster.

So rush down to take a taxi. No taxi insight.

And Singaporeans are damn funny one. When taxi fares rose last month or last last month, they complained so loud that Malaysia and Indonesia can hear them. Even the ang-mohs and the academics couldnt help but comment on their complaints.

Then people predict less taxi trips, leading to a drop in profits for drivers. And drivers kao-peh say they sure more poor thing one.

For awhile it is true. It was very easy to take a cab during the 9 -11 slot, where last time it is always so difficult

But hor, complain complain complain, in the end today I went to take a taxi. No available taxi. LAMPARD all the taxis were taken up by people. Every taxi has people on it.

I guess everybody figured out that actually it doesnt really make a difference even with the fare hike

Singaporeans loved to complain upfront. They dont think whether they really will get affected or not. Just kao-peh first at every small thing they have the opportunity to do.

Then after that continue doing what they do even though they unhappy. No wonder we are the ones that came up with the phrase "Lan Lan Suck thumb"

And Singaporeans really loved to eat. Humble pie they eat. Their own words they eat back after they complain.

So leh? Taxi service is still so poor. No taxi when I want it... In the end take train. Some taxi uncles are just stupid also. Just wanna cheat your money.

And dont even get me started on bus and train services.....

Imagine how long I laughed when they came out with a blueprint to make people take public transport. Good luck and all the best with whatever ideas you have.


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