Friday, November 10, 2006

What's up DOC?

Haha this happened about four days ago. But really no time to update. This week is CRAZY.

Went to see a doctor......

We sat down to have an checkup. Then he was adjusting his chair to operate the machine more comfortably.

When he sat on the chair, one of the legs of the chair broke. Haha

Yah really. The chair broke and the doctor fell. But he held on to the wall.

Didnt laugh at all. Was quite nervous about the check up cause I wanted everything to be all right.

So I nervously waited while the nurse quickly came to change the chair. While changing the chair, the doctor even joked that the chair broke because of his weight.

Still didnt laugh. Though on hindsight, it is funny. The nurse was quick to console the doctor.

"No lah no lah. The chair is lousy. Not your weight"

Then the examination went on.



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