Monday, April 07, 2008

Director's Dream

Going to be a director soon.

I am taking a Theatre Studies Module this semester and we have a practical project where we have to present a 15 minute play to a panel of judges.

By the way, I didnt take this module to show off to people what I actually do in real life. I really really took this module because it is the only module left that can fit into my stupid timetable.

I want to add meta-texture into the play by having observers in the show and splitting the story into two layers

I want to infuse Brechtian style into the play

I want a slight hint of Biomechanics to increase the vividity of the play

But I cannot do any of these things. Coz the rules of the game say I cant

Maybe the biomechanics. I don't know.

What shit director if I cannot do all these things that I want to do?

Maybe I really will take my marks and play with it. Not like I really care for K.K. Seet's approval.

But at least I will get artistic satisfaction of trying out everything that I want to try.

Aiyah see how first lah. I always say finish then at the last moment coward down to follow everyone and do the normal stuff one.




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