Monday, April 24, 2006


Today end of script writing course.

Haiyen laoshi gave me a prize: 'Most Schedule Adhering Scripwriter'.

Got people get most interesting script. Got people get best-written lines script. I never get all these prizes. Maybe means not so interesting. Haha. But thanks to Haiyen laoshi who taught me alot about scriptwriting this spring.

Next Wed they going to choose scripts. Hopefully will cross the FINAL BARRIER

Registered to help out at 'Madamme What's Next' by her theatre group this july....

This leads me to something else: Something I keep wondering for the whole of this semester.

In other words, I have been wonder-full. Haha, sorrie couldnt resist it.

Because I was in AliBaBa production, then I was in scriptwriting course. Then I would be in August QNT production. Then I would probably be the SM again for Sept Production. Now I am conceptualising my own 'Budget Theatre Production' For Huay Guan...

Short Film Out: Cohort Best Short Film. Finished the script for another short film. Still deciding whether to go into competition or not.

Three scripts in progress.

This semester I hardly pay attention to my work and studies. When reading the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway, I would drift off to think about how to continue my scripts. When reading about mutations in the human genome, I would be thinking about the shows I have been watching.

I wonder: Have I chosen the wrong path? Should i have taken a theatre studies degree instead?
All my life I always loved biology and science in general. How come suddenly I have doubts? I think theatre might have become a distraction. But I also not sure.

That is why I am so wonder-full now. Wonder this wonder that. So many questions, nobody help me answer.




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