Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Family Show

After I lost out in the script competition for August Production, I have started conceptualising and writing the next few.

Here is one written in revenge for my first script: Family Show (家庭剧)

11 or 12 scenes. I am a true blue taurean. People tell me family shows very channel 8 and passe already but I still tiaokang(hokkien for deliberately) want to write.

I am like that one. People tell me cannot do what I must still do for them to see. Haha. No wonder they always say stubborn cow but not stubborn rabbit or stubborn rabbit.

Here is an excerpt from my unfinished script:

导播: 请问。。。
司马牛: 什么事?
导播: 这里是不是有一家人姓刘的?
司马牛: 有,就在巷口的第四间木屋里。
导播: 请问你会去吗?
司马牛: 废话。我住这村子我怎么不会去?
导播: 那就有劳大叔带路了。
司马牛: 什么大叔?我看起来很老吗?
导播: 看起来的确有把年纪了。
司马牛: 岂有此理!现在的人说话真没礼貌。快走,别耽误我的时间。
导播: 谢大叔。

Probably not too good. But please await my final product.

Haha. This is a vanity posting. I just want people to say "Whoa! well written. Cant wait for your finished product" or "looks very promising"




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