Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Got alot of people tell me my blog is very interesting.

So my blog is very interesting blog (V.I.B)

I also think my blog is very interesting.

Always got something for everyone to laugh, think or cry about.

Okay. Not really many people tell me. 3 people

Sua ning said so

Basu said so. She said this is a six star blog

Brandon said so.

Must be true. This is called 'heroes hold the same views' in chinese. English is 'great minds think alike'

If you like soccer here got stuff about soccer. If you like entertainment here also got stuff about entertainment. If you like theatre here got stuff about theatre. If you want bitchy stuff here got ALOT of bitchy things. If you want to laugh at people's sad things here also got alot of sad stories to laugh about.

What more can a blog have?




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