Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fingernail Spitter

Bleh! Tomorrow going to help the Drama Boxers clear up their feedback forms processing for 'Momo'

Bleh.... Nowadays most people dont update their blogs frequently, if at all......Every time go online I will feel cheated.... Because I take the effort to go visit everyone's blogs but only one or two other people update frequently......

Those blogs that are updated frequently are just bland.... or plain boring....

Is it I too free or everybody so busy?

I think I too free.... I guess.... Never mind, I shall be oasis for everyone.... Everyone after their tiring day can come read my blog for pleasure, entertainment or news in Kiantong's world.... Haha

That's the Kiantong Spirit.....

Today was on the train and sitting beside this indian uncle....

Wah luh, he damn low class. Halfway through the train ride, he started biting his fingernails.... Not only that, he then spit out his fingernails, making the 'pui pui' sound as he spat....

Disgusting stupid uncle..... So damn low class... Educated or not doesnt matter.... This is a matter of personal hygeine and shame.....

Obviously, the uncle has no shame...

After finishing his spontaneous ( and routine, I guess) manicure, he started digging his noise..... Vigorously....

From the corner of my eye I could see his vibrant movement while reading my 8-days....

I felt so disgusted that I wanted to press the emergency bell and alert the train station master about this disgusting uncle.....

They ask us to be alert of suspicious characters.... how come they never tell us too look out for disgusting low class uncles..... They are all terrorists what.... terrorising our lives with their acts of inconsiderations.....

Speaking of inconsideration, terrorists better not be so inconsiderate to bomb our trains hor..... Singapore transport system is damn fucked up already.... Peak hour still must wait 8min for the train.... Can someone please explain the logic to me? Imagine got bomb.... Can start to walk already...

Why dont take taxi? Dont bother. Taxi uncles all like to change shift when we need them.... When they hear that trains are bombed, they sure quickly go and change shift one.. So no taxi...

Buses? Forget it.... Buses have air con like dont have like that.... Everybody stand at the head of the bus because fengshui better.... Bus go so slowly Gekleng walk faster than them....

Who the hell take buses?




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