Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Don't Want To Be The One To Cry

Haha yesterday at dinner after Spiderman 3 Nat and Karin said my blog was interesting and unique. (Insert proud face)

Haha. That came as a big surprise because just two or three months ago Boonseng say he is no longer reading this blog because no longer interesting.....

Yay. I still have fans....Haha

These few days quite busy..... Besides long hours at rehearsals I went K-boxing with friends, watch movies, eat dinner, eat supper, talk rubbish....

Its funny that exams are over but I got no time to watch TV. Sigh..... But lucky every morning at home so I can watch 'men guo' and 'kangxi laile'

Had a chance to eat supper with some friends of a friend's sister...... Usually when there are strangers around I will be quite withdrawn and quiet because I am actually quite a shy person....

These people quite young.... 18/19 years, that kind whose mother will still scold and still have to attend school one.....

But I felt quite confortable around them..... Frequency match I think..... And the kind of humour is similar also..... Although I think my brand of humor is abit stronger, haha. (insert very proud face)

So in the end I talked like my usual self at the supper table..... Even offered to buy drinks when everybody refused to.......

Feel quite young and energetic around kids..... But I not like fat pig gekleng, because I am not a paedophile (恋童癖)

Shit. My jokes getting abit too predictable.... That day on my way to a funny comment the whole table managed to guess what I wanted to say.... Time to reinvent I guess.....

Momo rehearsal was okay today but had quite abit to do cause there's alot of packing and unpacking..... Tomorrow will have to go round island to look for some stuff that the SM needs....

I realised how pampered we are at huayguan because every time production can get teachers to help us out and there are alot of people and money at our disposal.... At Drama Box, everything have to depend on ourselves.... Lucky our SM is very good for Momo.....

And I really like the show alot..... I think as an audience even better.... If you know how to appreciate the very significant and brief moments

This is the kind of shows that I want to do. Good ones. The ones that I really like and believe in.

And I really hope it can work out.

Right now, it seems that I am getting what I always wanted....

I dont want to be the one to cry....... Will you dry my tears?



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