Friday, May 11, 2007

Yunying thinks I'm Vivian

Yah, for some reason my handphone number was saved under the name of 'Vivian' in Miss Sim's handphone.....

That day call her she tell me one.

For all her musical and hosting talents, she is a stupid girl. Haha. Don't tell her I said this.

Rehearsals was quite okay today..... In fact it ended on a very happy note..... Because the last person on earth I expect felt that I did a good job just before I left Victoria Theatre.

It seems that I cant stop talking about 'Momo'..... Yah I cant seem to talk about other things..... Actually I want to record down this process because I actually find it quite enjoyable.... Hopefully it is always so enjoyable......

Today went to the New Courts, New Ikea and New Giant Hypermart to source for props and other stuff..... Seriously the entire place is so big and intimidating.... But had quite fun time looking around...

Then had lunch at Ikea with fat pig Gekleng..... The food quite nice there.... Maintained the ikea standard..... Cheers to meatballs.......

I think I am getting fat like Gekleng also.... Eat this eat that....Then that day went Porridge steamboat buffet at Bugis with two cheapskate girls Nat and Karin......Help me.




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