Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nothing Lasts Forever

I really really REALLY want to share something interesting with you all......

But I have nothing to share really.... The days when this blog was constantly filled with interesting sightings and articles were long gone, and they really seem far far away....

Now day after day is perhaps nothing different.... Every other posting is sappy or about some humdrum day spent at some boring place

Haha, why I am bashing my own blog?

Nothing Lasts Forever, I'm sorry........

Heard a song by Coldplay that went something like that.... Like it quite abit cause the grey shade that the song adopts....

I identify with grey things..... Even interesting blog postings don't last forever.... Haha

A hell lot of a people were at drama box whizzing in and out for the day... Did unpacking for Full Frontal. More work in front of the computer after that..... Never stopped for a breather....

Then had dinner with Xiaorong, Xiangbin and Jessie...... '天冷' sounds exciting....

Then more work in front of computer...... Power Failure FOUR times today. Highest Record since I was there.

Community tour starting.... Looks so interesting.... Too bad I am attached to school otherwise I would love to be in the thick of things.....

Does it sound like an interesting day? Blah blah blah.... BORING

Shit! Next year Huay Guan show and Baobao's show clash together. One month after another.... Which should I forsake?

Maybe I will apply half year leave from school to do all shows.... Haha.

For two days in a row, I cannot see my sky.

Can you see yours?



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