Thursday, June 21, 2007

When The Curtain Comes Down

Full Frontal - Xiao Bai Chuan finally ends with the last show today......

No more rehearsals.... I will miss the fun times with the cast and Baobao.....

Though probably I will get to see Baobao and Bianco at Drama Box again soon....

I miss Bianco. Haha.

I learn alot through this production..... And when the audience stood up to clap during the curtain call for Xiao Bai Chuan, I felt a very great sense of pride. And I was touched.....

For a very long time, I have never did a show which I felt a sense of pride in. I think 路人甲 was the last one... For Momo, I was too busy trying to redeem myself

And tonight after bumping out, we had a post production dinner..... And I really learnt quite alot from Jed and Shanshan and the rest by talking to them....

Thanks to my Stage Manager, Xiaorong who have been very accommodating to my silly mistakes and ridiculous comments at times....

If it was Huiling I would have died by now..... Haha

Sometimes alot of people bother to teach me and things and tell me things.... Some of which Huiling has already taught me before..... Some of which I disagree..... Some of which I learn....

A lot of times I wish Huiling was there to tell me whether those things I disagree is correct or wrong.... But I don't think can always rely on her all the time.....

So I go figure myself....

I want to thank Shanshan two times. One for Momo which was my chance at redemption and one for Xiao Bai Chuan, which is a really happy production.... I really felt so happy doing it....

The warmth that Yuejuan Laoshi, Jiaqiang ge, Guanghui, Junwei and Guizhi jie and Baobao brought out during rehearsals and the show was so endearing.... Plus we really had a nice SM and ASM....

It will give me beautiful memories......

They offered me a job at Theatre Practice's next show '天冷就回家' but too bad..... I decided against it because august I have a show and also attachment (I hate it) is coming soon....

Once you over-commit, you will end up screwing up everything.

This is the most important lesson I learnt in 2006.

Thank you everybody. Thank you for making it a happy production....

And Thank you Huiling. Though you didn't do this show, you gifted me the essential skills to have a minimum standard....

I hope I am not a disgrace to you, even if I never ever told anyone that you are my mentor.

The Curtain Comes Down

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