Friday, May 25, 2007

Onslaught's Arrival

This few days I don't feel good at all.....

I got a cauldron of emotions bottled up inside me...... All the dark thoughts and repressions and supressions all trapped inside this one big container.....

Like Professor X, founder and leader of the X-men.

One day, my repressed dark side is going to unleash itself, but for now, I muster whatever control I have left to continue its containment....

Professor X, being the planet's most powerful telepathic mutant, is able to exercise his powers and block out his darkest thoughts and repressed emotions.

However, one day, his dark side accidentally fused with the sub-concious of Magneto, creating the all powerful Onslught, which possessed both telepathic and magnetism powers from Professor X and Magneto......

Charles X Xavier. Eric Lensherr. The world's 2 most powerful mutants combined.

You can imagine that Onslaught was practically unstoppable..... Until somebody, I can't remember who though, managed to trap Professor X's dark side and block it out from Magneto's sub-concious.

I don't want to end up like Professor. I don't wish for Onslaught's arrival in my world......

I hoped for this and I hoped for that...... But they don't happen at all..... Why?

I mean...... Is it too much to ask for?

Is it too much to hope for?

Am I too demanding?

I am not demanding..... right?



I am very tired..... Really.....


Tomorrow actually I don't have to go huayguan so early....... But I decided to go anyway......

I realise I felt at a loss when thinking about the prospect of staying at home.....

I didn't know what to do..... I didn't want to stay at home.......

Drama Box is not open tomorrow, so no more processing feedback forms for the week....... Thank goodness for more work at Drama Box next week.... And also 'Full Frontal' which is coming along.....

Then community tour as well.........

Without all these, my world will be suddenly very empty..... And I really hate that feeling.......




I am the loneliest person in the world



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