Friday, February 03, 2006

May Business Prosper

My Aunt works at this particular hospital....

During the few days before Chinese New Year, somebody made a mistake that lead to a black humour joke....

People like to stick auspicious new year greetings on the wall and other new year decorations to signify the coming of the new year.... It also makes the place look happier and brighter....

So one of those days one of the nurses went around the hospital putting new year greetings on the wall....

Near my aunt's office she saw this one that read: 生意兴隆 (May Business Prosper)

In a hospital..... Get it? For those who dont get it call me and I will explain it to you and give you ten dollars to heal your stupidity or slowness

Anyway, my aunt quickly ask them to take it down......

I thought it was a black humour 'joke'....

If it was me, I would diliberately put it up.... Just for laughs



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