Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Yeah Yeah!! I have reached my 200th blog posting. This calls for a celebration... Maybe there will be a mini blog birthday party banquet soon

Better than THE BANQUET. Haha

I think it is time for a lookback.....

August 2005 - Gehirun.Blogspot.Com was born

From then, the blog lifespan can be split into three faces.

1) The Angsty Face

Complain complain complain. In this side of the blog, thats the idea of the blog postings. From our superstar idol to the fat kid in the NUS, I practically dished everyone or complain about every possible thing there is to complain.

Very angsty and whiny. Like a container pot of angry steam waiting to burn anyone. At one point became vulgar

But since this year 2006 started, this side of the blog have mellowed out because I started to concentrate on other things. Maybe because really getting older thats why calm down alot. Not as aggressive as last time.

If I continue like angry man, then I will be like Hong Kong Bus Uncle, which I am not hor. (DaeGekleng stop saying that hor)

2) The Philosophical Artistic Face

Lessons on philosophies of life and reviews about movies and tv shows and theatre productions. A wide ranging and informative topics form this dimension of the blog. Have talked about everything including Three Kingdom strategies to love and hurt to alcohol

Started giving out blog awards last year to blogs of aesthetic and artistic values. Just for fun but quite pro as well. Haha

Continue to review shows and movies and whatever artistic things that I can understand..... But in a less boring way and more easy going style...... Newest addition is my twisted stories, which are here to stay because people find it funny.

3) The Emotional Phase

About the emotions experienced in daily life. Sad feelings are dominant in recent postings, as there are many unhappy things that happened in the past six months.

Soften my life and cushions the bad things that always seem to happen at free will.

Look out for more happy things as I will start to focus more on happy things. Will probably add picures to liven up and colour the blog. Make it less boring.....

Thank you all my readers for supporting me through these 200 postings. Hope you all have a happy time in future accompanying me through the ups and downs of life in this blog.



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