Saturday, December 09, 2006

Thanks Jiantong

The other night on a silent bus trip home I realised that one person did alot of things for me since I was concious of myself.

Myself. Literally.

When I got angry, I calmed myself down
When I wanted food, I bought food for myself
When I wanted new clothes, I bought them for myself
When I wanted a new gadget I worked to pay for it myself
When I fell down, I picked myself up

When I did badly in something, I encouraged myself
When I felt lonely, I kept myself company
When I was scolded left right centre by people, I told myself it was okay
When I felt bored, I entertained myself the best I could
When I bled, I cleaned myself

When I was sick, I took care of myself
When my tarsal glands got all blocked and swollen, I took myself to the doctor
When there were shows that nobody wanted to watch, I took myself to them
When there was nobody to help me, I helped myself
When I cried, I dried my own tears

When everything bad happened, I brushed it aside myself
When everyone was dead against my decisions, I believed in myself
When everyone has somebody else to go to, I stood by myself

Thanks Jiantong. Thanks for all that you have done for me for the past 10 years.....

Dont ever leave....



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