Monday, February 27, 2006

He said: What the FUCK?

Yesterday went to Superhost Grand Finals.

Was extremely bored by the poor programme design and anyway, the contestants were rather out of sorts, like they are thinking more about going to Geylang eat durain like that... Haha

But it wasnt a wasted trip, because after the show during supper I found new people to act in my directorial debut. Want to know they are? Haha, come watch in August. (if my script goes through) Anyway, I think I became more familiar with some distant friends because we were talking and laughing and everything was just fun.......

Fun is when you make jokes about stupid things. Fun is when you do stupid things. Fun is when you smile and laugh and pretend to be really happy with everything, everybody and yourself....

I always do these kind of things. Whenever I am unhappy or stressed, I just make myself smile brightly and pretend to be fine....Last time I read a book and it said if you smile, you smile away alot of things...

Smile away your unhappiness

Smile away your discontent

Smile away your troubles

Smile away your loneliness

Nobody would believe me if I said I was very stressed or very unhappy or lonely. That day after major rehearsals for march productions, I called one friend and told her I was very stressed and tired. She laughed and ask me dun be silly.... Haha in the end I laugh too. I pretend to laugh.... because then perhaps I can laugh away everthing... anything sad I can laugh away..... WAHAHAHAHA!!!!

If you unwrapped me beyond my layers of silliness, my layers of jokes, my layers of smiles and my layers of cheerfulness, deep down in me lie a small fragile cold and lonely man. He is the real me: The me that only one person really really see before.... The me that I refuse to acknowledge is there.... the me that hates me for ignoring him

He is the loneliest person in the world because nobody knows him at all. I bo-hil him for so long that even I forget what he is like.....

So the other day he said: What the FUCK?

If you dont know what I am saying, its okay.....



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