Monday, June 19, 2006

Its ME Lah!

Waiting for the next match between France and South Korea to start.

Had a nervous time just now because Brazil scored the second goal only in the final minutes of the game against Australia.

If they hadnt score, I would have lost a further fifty dollars.

I heard from some of my friends watch World Cup matches on the internet. Heard the quality is not good and sometimes can be quite lag. Thank goodness I am old enough and rich enough to get my own cable subscription.

If I had to depend on my mom, I will be able to start watching world cup matches in year 2050.

In other words, tan gu gu (wait long long)

Anyway have to reveal some poll results. Got people ask why always poll but no announcement of results. These people also like to meet DaeGekLeng.

Sorry, people so busy where got time to meet u all.

The last time I polled the lamest person in Ali Baba production.

After removing all the goddamn spam votes, the winner is me. Dont know whether should rejoice or not.

Its me lah.

How can it be Sua Ning? Idiots also know cannot be him. My cold jokes are superior to his. Haha

Today I checked the results of the poll on people's fav mutant?

Damn it. How can wolverine be leading fav mutant? He's just a dumb animal with claws.

It should be cyclops or magneto. In the end I voted magneto because his personality is more like mine. Willing to do bad things for greater good. Pollitically incorrect. Just like me.

Beware, homesapiens. Haha

Secretly (now no longer a secret because on my blog) I think my blog is the most interesting blog within my circle of friends.


1) Most updated. Daily

2) Interesting facts and adventures

3) Entertaining writing.

What can be improved?

1) More pictures ( I need a camera)

2) Travel to other countries to find out and make videos about their toilet bowls (Nudge Kunhua)

3) Less about DaeGekLeng. People are tired of hearing about him.



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