Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday the 13th

In case you all haven realise, it is friday the 13th....

actually I got alot of thoughts about today. Quite many things happen..... But I think nothing bad......... Thankfully

Enough bad things have happen to me in the past five months......

Went to Brainforest of Clementi at 6 am in the morning.... In case you all still dont know, Brainforest of Clementi refers to NUS.

While on the train, saw this super-fat guy. He is so fat I think I can hide behind him and not be seen. He is three times fatter than DaeGekleng..... Haha... The first thing I think of is why his parents let him eat until so fat.... Store so much food which could have been for those starving kids....So unfair.

The next thing I noticed is that he was falling asleep and leaning against a frail looking uncle. The uncle looked so worried...... The fatso must be very heavy and the uncle scared will crush him... Not say I discriminate against the fat.... Its just that the guy should have been more considerate to those sitting beside him and not lean towards them and squeeze them..... Made a mental note not to sit beside the fat guy......

Later in the evening saw this mother buying tako pachi for her fat son while I was queuing behind her. The son so fat and he is just a boy...... I think this is called drowning your kids with love.... You could have literally kill them in the future.....

Made another mental note to myself not to shower too much love on my own kids. They become too weak, like kids these days...... Made them undergo a tough childhood so that when I am not around to take care of them, they will be able to rough it out on their own....

Went with TH, YX, ZH, YL and HT to minds cafe. But there was some bad planning and we didnt get a place.... In the end after much fustration, quarelling and tantrums, we settled ourselves at Nafa TCC.

Said something which surprised myself. They were all very low and I suddenly said "Its not the place that is special but the things we do that make the place special"

In the end quite true.... TCC was nothing extraordinary, but the things we did together, the things we said made the place feel special. Now that TCC will always be special to me....

Something clicked today....

Too many people reading my blog.... So some stuff say in code.......

" The rabbit saw the carrot again..... but the carrot will never be his......"


Finally I say goodbye again
In the most silent way I can ever do...............
Any louder I might cry
Cause I yearn for my desired happiness...........

Why will you
never be part of reality........
Cause there is nobody else
I want more in my world......

Why am I boring people with details of my life again?


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