Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

Got alot of thoughts about today........

Alot of things happen again......... Talk about two chinese waiters first.......

Today went to qing gong yan for "Zhou Chu" at Spring Court.... Because we were in guest room so got two special waiters to serve us.... They are china guys.......

Did I mention I watching "Chu Lu" on Channel 8 these days? Watching those immigrants go through such hard times made me feel sympathy for all these immigrants..... I use to dislike them because they made Singapore become very different and depleting resources everywhere....

My point is, at the end of the banquet, I went over and put 10 dollars into one waiter's pocket..... Now restaurants got one rule: When waiters receive tips they must hand it over to the company. I know that rule very well.... But I keep telling the waiter to divide the money and keep quiet... Keep asking him not to hand the money to the boss. Maybe I was drunk....... At the end I added one line to him "你们过翻来应该不容易啊." With that I left the waiter.

I think he think I damn weird..........Dont know why so emotional these days also....... I guess Chu Lu is so good it got a strong effect on me........

Yeah was damn drunk... I vomitted in the toilet two times. The first time I didnt lock the door and Fulai Laoshi saw me..... So embarassing.

People say I damn no control and damn stupid...... Why drink so much just to feel so miserable?

Yes it feels terrible to be vomitting....... Its quite miserable to be drunk...... The headache is quite unbearable..... But no matter how bitter it is, it beats the misery of reality and of life.....

It is even more miserable to be sombre and aware of what is going on....


The rabbit saw his carrot....... it was at the other end of the field....... no mattter how he ran.... the carrot seems further than before.......When the rabbit became tired, he stopped.... At the moment he realise the carrot will never be his

People say there is a reason why people dont stay who they are....

People say there is a reason why people dont stay where they are.......

Huitian says my blog is pessimistic....... I am only pessimistic on my blog....... In real life I am much much stronger......


I practically laughed away all the bad things in my life........... I already forgot how to cry......


Baby sometimes Love just ain't enough......

Whats the point about this posting again?


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