Monday, December 11, 2006

Robbed and Confession of Pain

Oh my god lah.... 懒得去管 is so fucking difficult to sing lah..... The rhythm so difficult to catch......

And 我吃的起苦 the range so broad not for normal human lah......

Anyway today I got robbed of $1.10

Went downstairs to get a can of coke from the vending machine... Then the vending machine stole my money....

True to the spirit of the quiz that I did a few days ago....... I responded with 'What the fuck? Jibai'

To which an indian uncle next to me applauded and agreed with a few abuse sounding words of his own......

Then I walked over to the nearest mama shop to get my coke at 90cents. So my can of coke essentially costs 2 fucking dollars.....

"Dont say I say one"

Thats the most popular phrase of the month. What you all so scared of? Okay I say that sometimes too

Why not "Dont tell people you know about this"

Opps thats the 2nd most popular phrase of the month......

Lets see...... What do I know?

Nothing. Haha.

Today watched Election2 on DVD. For those who live on Venus or Mars, Election2 is an ultra violent film by Johnnie To about the Hongkong mob......

Was quite disturbed when the protagonist cut up the body of his enemy and shoved the body parts into the meat mincer machine and feed it to the dogs......

Everything shown exactly..... blood everything...... I couldnt quite eat dinner because was really disturbed.....

No wonder it was R21

Then I saw Confessions of Pain publicity shorts......

Rating is yet to be advised....... Well it better not be M18 or R21 otherwise yuxuan is going to kill massacre somebody........

But I would love to see his expression if it was announced to be M18 or R21. LOL


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