Saturday, June 30, 2007

And So I Did

I always feel like puking at disgusting thoughts that I suddenly think of....

And so I did just now...

Just now was reading the newspapers when a wonderfully disgusting thought descended upon me from nowhere and I started to feel like puking ...... Yucks. Don't ever think of it again

This long holidays seem to be ending soon already.... After attachment it will be one more week to school re-opening.... Sigh....

Let me look back at what I did..... Or is it too early? Blah whatever...

I pre-calculated my timing in such a way that I would be able to focus fully on a professional production. And so I beg Shanshan for a job in Drama Box's upcoming production.

And so I was in 'Momo'. What was unexpected was Big Huiling was my Stage Manager. It was a god-given chance for my redemption.

And so I redeemed myself..... and proved myself like Boon seng said I should.

Through Momo I got to know a lot of people.... And it was a wonderful eye-opening experience for me.

Shortly after Momo I helped QNT2 with their production....Didnt do much anyway cause I took up a very easy job..... Welfare

But it was not the best of my memories as I was sick and there were alot of things on my mind then...... And of course not to mention that I was under attack by people who just simply couldnt stand me being around

Next, I calculated my timing again and decided to work in 'Full Frontal' I got to work with my idol Li Xie aka Baobao. And it was even more of an eye opening experience because I am working with very good people.....

And I got to know more people...... I think this holidays I made more friends than I had for the past three years added up......

And I learnt more things that I had in the past 6 months....

At the same time I started doing volunteer work at Drama Box. It started with processing feedback forms then later data entry work.....If I didn't volunteer then I can imagine I would staying at home lazing around getting bored and everything.....

And so I did....

Then I did something which is very 'not me' I went to audition for something. Youth Incubator. Till now I still can't understand why I did it and what was driving me.... But I did it anyway for some reason....

And so I went.....

I tried so many new things within this period of time..... And I felt I achieved quite a number of goals as well.....

For once, I felt happy and satisfied.

Next winter I am going to get a job at the Tuck Lee Ice Factory. So that one day, I can have my own factory.

And maybe I will do it.




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