Thursday, July 05, 2007


Watched the movie last saturday but forgot all about it till now

The story is enjoyable enough, at times moving at times inspirational..... Enough humor was injected into the story at suitable points, though I personally find the transformer visiting house segment abit too overplayed

Of course there were points that I felt it was ridiculous like soldiers enduring bomb explosions without ear plugs and still not go deaf

But the cinematography is really really weird.... Because director and cinematographer chose to have extremely shaky camera shots that was really headache inducing..... Also, the director chose tight framings and medium close-ups of the robots that didnt allow the audience to marvel fully at the magnificent robots....

Well perhaps there were corner cuttings because you don't have to do out the whole robot when you show one segment.... Like that was much cheaper. No wonder Spiderman 3 used up 300million but Transformers was completed for 115 million only.....

Otherwise the movie could have been a true summer blockbuster.

Next summer, I am going to take the train to Gehirn.

They say that people are always happy there and nobody is ever lonely.

If I had one more ticket....... would you come with me?

If you come'll find me......

I promise



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