Saturday, January 06, 2007

2007 Wishes

I dont like making resolutions..... Because if it is a resolution I would never be able to do it....

I dont have much resolve as a person....

I like to call them wishes... Like that I have a greater chance of achieving them....

1) Know DanXiaoGui Better.... Maintain our friendship and make it even stronger

2) Know her better.... 老谋深算, 不愧神也 such people are my type of people. Haha. Maintain our friendship as well

3) Maintain my friendship with Tze, Lin, Tian Zhenhan, Cai Yuxuan and Dessy and know them better

4) Achieve better results to become better than DaeGekLeng

5) Be same if not better friends with the rest of my friends

6) Control my emotions and my temper better

7) Earn more money

8) Be stronger

9) Achieve more things artistically

10) Continue to watch more theatre

孔明曰: 司马义谋我而谋之, 算我而算之, 要是街亭失守, 我军休矣


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