Sweet Secrets
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And they say that 'Knowledge is Power'
But I can tell you, knowledge of certain things can be painful.....Even if you are not in the situation, you feel 心痛. Because I care for people.....就这么简单
And again I felt pain today.....Not just pain.... plus worry as well...... I dont like to see people being sad..... Especially kids.... I think when kids are heartbroken or bitter, they are the most painful to watch.....
AND I am so bad..... A few months ago I made her cry.... Then today I made her cry.... OMG I hope I am not going to make people cry again......When I cause people to even start tearing, I feel bad....
Dry your tears..... And be the bravest kid that can ever be..... The dark and bitter world has no place for tears......
And I totally cannot believe it.... After hearing about so many things about other people, in the end the biggest scandal of them all involves........ ME?
Secrets are sweet when presented to you, but once you bite into them, they are so fucking bitter
But why me? I really didnt do anything wrong.....
And I said before already, NO. I dont have. I never. Believe me... PLEASE?
You all dont understand...... Its a sense of 亏欠.... not love..... I am making up for whatever I did wrong long ago, not because I bear feelings....
Can you all understand? I guess you all will never......
Just dont spoil the relationship. I dont mind all this.... but the other party might....... If the relationship falls apart due to your misconceptions, nothing will bring it back.......
And then what shall I do?
On a lighter note...... I hope I can be around to receive the keys to room 2010
And when it comes and we are still here, I will go driving with you in a bus to the happiest place on Earth.........
And then we can eat whatever we want..........
Yuxuan: Bon voyage and see you soon
Tze: Please don't........Please?
Lin: Thank you. Thank you, really......
Tian: Please don't either.......
Zhenhan: Stop...... We all got it wrong.......
I cried too..... And I learned to dry my tears....
Information exchanged over the last 2 weeks: 2.67 billion tetrabytes
Information exchanged over the last 2 months: 60.27 billion tetrabytes
Information exchanged since August: already unaccountable for
And they say that 'Knowledge is Power'
But I can tell you, knowledge of certain things can be painful.....Even if you are not in the situation, you feel 心痛. Because I care for people.....就这么简单
And again I felt pain today.....Not just pain.... plus worry as well...... I dont like to see people being sad..... Especially kids.... I think when kids are heartbroken or bitter, they are the most painful to watch.....
AND I am so bad..... A few months ago I made her cry.... Then today I made her cry.... OMG I hope I am not going to make people cry again......When I cause people to even start tearing, I feel bad....
Dry your tears..... And be the bravest kid that can ever be..... The dark and bitter world has no place for tears......
And I totally cannot believe it.... After hearing about so many things about other people, in the end the biggest scandal of them all involves........ ME?
Secrets are sweet when presented to you, but once you bite into them, they are so fucking bitter
But why me? I really didnt do anything wrong.....
And I said before already, NO. I dont have. I never. Believe me... PLEASE?
You all dont understand...... Its a sense of 亏欠.... not love..... I am making up for whatever I did wrong long ago, not because I bear feelings....
Can you all understand? I guess you all will never......
Just dont spoil the relationship. I dont mind all this.... but the other party might....... If the relationship falls apart due to your misconceptions, nothing will bring it back.......
And then what shall I do?
On a lighter note...... I hope I can be around to receive the keys to room 2010
And when it comes and we are still here, I will go driving with you in a bus to the happiest place on Earth.........
And then we can eat whatever we want..........
Yuxuan: Bon voyage and see you soon
Tze: Please don't........Please?
Lin: Thank you. Thank you, really......
Tian: Please don't either.......
Zhenhan: Stop...... We all got it wrong.......
I cried too..... And I learned to dry my tears....