Thursday, December 21, 2006

Manicure At Alexander 2

If you are a loyal and faithful reader of this blog, you would know that 5 months ago, I had my big toenail plucked out at Alexander Hospital.

The toenail was growing deformedly and was accidentally damaged beyond hope while I was walking behind some old lady....

This time round, I also went to Alexander Hospital for my 'manicure'..... Only that it was much bloodier this time round......

I was walking in some crowd because I had to go to the temple to pray...... Reminded myself that I had to be very careful time and time again because I knew my second deformed toenail is hanging loosely and dangerously and I learnt my lesson to be careful after the last round.....

Just when I was about to make it safely out of the crowd and go home safely, the shoe grooves of some idiot walking in front of me hit my toes. I knew from that moment that the inevitable has happened.... I need to go to the hospital.....

Because I was in the middle of a market, I quickly bought a drink and limped to somewhere quiet to sit down..... By then fresh dark red blood was already flowing very freely and staining my slippers....

Haha poor slippers how many times must it be stained by my blood.....

I examined my toe..... Th entire nail was knocked out with half the attachment skin being torn out as well..... Looks really disgusting

But I kept my usual composure..... No shouting, no panicking..... Was able to think calmly and plan what I must do now

After inducing an adrenaline rush to keep the pain at bay, I called my mother to direct her to deposit money in my bank....

Then as calm as ever, I finished my drink before sending myself on a cab to AH.

AH provided free apples and the apples were high grade nice apples...... Having spent 60 dollars and the entire afternoon waiting for the doctor, I grabbed an apple

The procedure went well, less pain than the first 'manicure'...... less drama.... But no less gross... Every twisting of the tweezer on the nail caused more blood to flow..... And there was this flesh tearing sound when the nail was plucked....

Thank goodness for anesthetic....By the way, the nurse who attended to me was damn cute......


After the hospital trip I decided to take MRT home..... Not going to take taxi because AH manicure caused me 60 dollars.....

Inspired by 出路, I decided to limp home......

When I reached Yishun, there was still a distance to walk to reach home.... I decided not to take bus because damn crowded and sure to have some idiot to step on my toe.....

I thought I was be a strong 'guofanke' like Hongdou or Ah Xia.... Haha too much 出路 for me....

So I limped my way home on a very long muddy stretch of road.....

Halfway through the walk, I suddenly feel uncomfortable and starting puking on the side of the road....

Out came the apple...... Puked 2 times on the side of the road......

So drama haha....

Anyway today I am going to work in JB...... even with the injured toe........

I think that if Hongdou can go sell biscuit straight after giving birth and Ah Xia can work as a coolie with an injured arm..... I can do it as well....




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