Friday, January 05, 2007

Taiwan Trip

Back from Taiwan after a seemingly long 8 days.

And these eight days were certainly fun and eye opening.....

So many things that Taiwan is better than Singapore......

The food is cheaper..... The service standard there is excellent..... Things are always bigger and more fun......

Really too long to tell you all everything so just divided the post into a few main segments.... Anything else you can ask in person.

Taipei 101 countdown

The fireworks were really very beautiful. I certainly did not regret coming all the way from Singapore to Taipei to see the NT30 million fireworks....

It will go down as one of my most beautiful memories in life.

Dear DanXiaoGui, how I wish you were here with me to see the mesmerising fireworks

But that was the only beautiful part about that day. The rest of the night before the fireworks, we spend the time walking long distances, turning street after street to find a restaurant to eat our countdown dinner.

Then we had to wrestle in the crowd to get a good view of the fireworks. Taipei itself have even more people then singapore. They are equally ugly like Singaporeans when they jostle in the crowds.... I almost got killed in a human wave. Lucky I was strong enough not to topple over.

After the fireworks, I was in one of my silent tantrums because there were alot of people pushing and crowding around. I was very tired because we walked great distances and I just wanted to go back to the hotel.

But the others wanted to watch the countdown concert so I had to follow.....

When we finally wanted to go back, we realise the entire city's transport system collapsed. There were no buses. The MRT system was FLOODED with people. Taxis were fully occupied and there is no cab-calling system.

The traffic lights were totally not working. Everywhere, people released fireworks like free.... Explosions everywhere. I always thought I was in Iraq.

Walked more great distances. Still cannot get taxi. Gave up. Went to a small but nice cafe to sit for the next three hours. Then we walked more great distances.

Finally we summoned all our luck to get a taxi. Relieved to get back to the hotel

Theatre Production in Taiwan (水浒传)

Watched a show in Taiwan. Called ShuiHuZhuan.... But it is a contemporary play. It was the longest performance that I have ever watched. 3 hours plus plus. Fell asleep during two segments

After watching the play, I only have three words to describe it and that is Beau-ti-ful.

If we took any one segment and compare the scripting, directing and acting to Singapore's theatre standard, we have a long way to go before we can actually catch up.

DanXiaoGui: Wished you were there to see the standard of the play. You would have loved it.

It was a true eye-opener for me.

Shopping and Eating in Taiwan

We shopped alot in Taipei and Hualien. Went to XimenDing (Taipei's Orchard Road), Chengpin bookstore, Danshui (渔人码头,老街)the various night-markets to shop shop and shop. Bought lots of nice clothes and DVDs and tool books on theatre.

All these were very cheap because in Taiwan, when they say discounts or sale, they REALLY meant sale or discounts.....

And there were alot of DVDs that could be found in Taiwan that we will never ever find in Singapore..... So I bought and bought.

But the irony of it. It is because everything is cheap in Taiwan that I am broke....

Bought all the nice titbits from Taiwan as well.... All those who have the fortune of coming my house will get to eat all the nice food......

The food in Taiwan is fantastic. Even the bentos in 7-elevens are FANTASTIC.

I ate various finger foods from all the night markets. XXL fried chicken fillet, glutinous rice sausages salted chicken pieces blah blah blah....Special thanks to Weiliang who brought us to eat the wonderful Ah-Gei and fishballs....

The milk tea there come in big portions and cheap prices

There were so many nice foods that I have eaten that I cant possibly name everything here....

Hey DanXiaoGui, too bad I couldnt share the food with you. You missed great stuff u noe? Haha

The food there is really fantstic.....

Hualien Farglory Ocean Park

Went down to Hualien to stay for 2 days. The pace of life there is really much much slower. Bought high quality muazi and some other stuff.....

The Ocean park there was damn fun. Because we went during non-peak period, there were only a cluster of people and we practically had the entire park to ourselves. There was no need to queue or wait for anything.....

I like it.....

Sat in a Viking Boat (海盗船) for the first time in my life. Sat at the very ends. The Viking Boat swung to a very high place. I was quite afraid

In the end, I yelled and yelled at the top of my voice. A taiwanese girl sitting in the same ride was amazed by how seemingly frightened I was. But actually I just wanted to get all the stress and angst out of my system....

She keep asking me at the end of the ride: 真的假的?

And she tried to pull me to go ride the Viking boat with her one more time..... But by then I was on an adrenaline high so I politely declined.....

The park was really really fun.....

Decided to form a impromtu group called 无耻烂品 with Gekleng and we filmed our first MTV on the highest tower of the park. You all will get to see the video soon on Youtube

DanXiaoGui, you would have loved it here. Too bad you cant come with me.


I made a new friend in Taiwan. She is a Singaporean and is Gekleng and Kunhua's friend.

She is a really nice person. So nice that even though I not familiar with her she will talk to me as if we are friends....

Havent seen such a nice person in a long time..... Okay lah DanXiaoGui, you were the last one before her. Haha

Thanks Cuiqin, for making this trip abit nicer than it would have been.


I bought alot of stuff so all of you will get something from me. The difference between me and other people if that I get personalised stuff for you and not mass-produced souveneirs.. So be grateful. Haha

These eight days in Taiwan I sorted out alot of things.... Whenever I had silent moments to myself I thought about all the things I need to think about......

So I am ready to declare: Kiantong is back


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