Friday, June 23, 2006

Almost Died

Today afternoon almost died.

Was taking a taxi to tuition because I was late and also not feeling well.

When we came to a cross-junction, the taxi uncle saw an arrow turn red from green. He thought he was supposed to stop.(but no, only when red light den need to stop)

As he was travelling very fast, he suddenly step heavily on the brakes and we all lurched forward forcefully. I could hear the loud screech of the tires.

Not scary.

The most scary thing is that got cars following behind, quite closely somemore.

The car immediately behind the taxi also braked immediately. Also got extremely loud screeching sounds. When I looked back, the car behind came so close that it almost touched the boot of the taxi.

Lucky the car behind didnt hit the taxi.

I could have died as I was sitting behind.

In the end the whole day quite bad mood.

Somemore sick.

Maybe because normal days always say attacking and cheapskate things.


Chao Cheebye


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